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The question before us has been in the media limelight for a reason. The touchy subject for both sides is the political hot button issue that deters the public from the real government activity. Allowed civil unions? The choice of words alone inters the feeling of control over the lives of people, which ironically have already been given freedom. The rest of the question is simply to bait the public with a compromise. The politicians recognize the economic force of the LGBT community, supplying on average four times more income to tourist cities than the heterosexual family. Then the number of votes is also paramount to tipping polls in various states. The master is seeking to throw a bone to the dogs in hopes of placating a nasty revolt.
First, the idea of marriage between homosexuals is what threatens the right wing conservative public’s idea of wholesome, American, and good. The underlying cause of this threat is fear. Walking down a street in your city’s downtown is fine as long as other people are around. Taking a turn that leads to the shortcut home involves a dark alley. The moment a person jumps out of the shadows to threaten your life what do you do? Some of us push back, fight. Others will attempt to run in order to avoid pain. The Lesbian and Gay communities, now encompassing so much more, were the boogie men in dark alleys. The white elephants in the living rooms of American homes. Ignoring the issue prompted for the public to find a false sense of ego. Thus emerging into the shadow world armed with bibles and crosses. Fighting evil with the hand of God at their sides. Then the tide turned when small groups sprung up in protest leading to the first standoff between LGBT community and the right wing conservative public’s arm; the New York Police Department. This standoff has put a face to the LGBT community which has spawned a new generation of protestors and activists.
The public has grown up some and recognize that the LGBT community isn’t going quietly into the shadows of dark alleys. Instead of acceptance that nature’s natural course is taking hold we (LGBT community) are to be placated with the ruse of a “civil union.” What does that mean? Simply put the rules are put down into black and white of who owns what, who gets what and no legal problems from families. The details vary per state but the general idea is yes we can be together, just not under the same spiritual label of marriage.
The faith based right wing conservative public will quote the bible in this attempt to outlaw homosexual marriage. In researching the bible there are many renditions in print. The King James Version and The New American Standard Bible have an interesting view on the institution of marriage. The word marriage appears in the bible over one hundred times yet the institution of marriage is only mentioned once; Hebrews 13.3-5. A common argument against homosexual marriage is that it offends the religious based mindset that marriage is holy union for a man and a woman. Consulting the ultimate authority in spiritual, holy matters the bible had this to say: Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
The vocabulary breaks it down simply. Honor means: high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank In the above sentence the word honor is in reference to the institution of marriage. A person having high respect for the vows taken. The word all means: any and everyone, as only people get married we are in reference to all people. The marriage bed in the next line refers to the marital bed, where consumation happens. Undefiled means: not having its purity or excellence debased. Considering the act of consummation, the purity or excellence of this act is not to be blemished or stained. Fornicators and alduterers are in reference to sexual activity outside the marriage of two people, the first in line with criminial sexual activity; ie: prostitution. Then the last line; God will judge. Not society, priests, lawmakers or politicians, God. The final say in the marriage judging those who fornicate or commit adultery.
The fact that our former President George Bush himself is quoted in time magazine for following his faith in leading our country lends to this passage importance. The amendment to the Constitution, he backed and pushed for on the basis of his faith and that of the American public. Clearly it is indication of a person’s views on what marriage is, and not based on the spiritual concepts of honoring love through the eyes of God.
Furthermore, The Constitution of the United states itself held as the supreme law of the land, states that all persons are due to certain amenities as a citizen of our great country.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. In this preamble there are several points to take into consideration. Again we look at the meaning of the words chosen carefully over two hundred years ago. The people formed this union insuring domestic tranquility. The home, household and household affairs or the family is the definition of domestic. Tranquility is the state or quality of calmness, peacefulness and serenity. Providing for the common, meaning all persons, defense (the Constitution fortifies.) Promotion of the general welfare, according to dictionary.reference.com, means good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity of a person, group or organization. Then finally we secure our blessings of liberty for ourselves and our future generations.
Liberty is the cornerstone of this preamble. The meaning is simple: freedom. According the dictionary it is freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking etc., according to choice. I have a freedom to have my home and family healthy, happy and peaceful. There is no government, religion or society that can control, interfere or restriction my happiness.
Civil unions are just placating the right wing conservative public, so that their family idea isn’t threatened by the small minded, fear based control over the LGBT community. The right according to what a individual chooses is written in the sacred document that made our country great and the even older books from the ultimate authority that serves all mankind.