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Member since: Nov 13 06
Last login: Jul 06 16
I have a new favorite word....
Satchitananda. ... Sat.. Chit.. ana... nda... say it with me now..
Sat.. chit ananda..
hmmm.. doesn't it just roll off the tongue and spirit?
What the heck does it mean? okay you ready for this?
Sat is truth As such it is the destroyer of falsehood, delusion, deceit and illusion. It leads us from the unreal to the real, out of the veil and into clarity and consciousness of our true state. SAT restores us from a limited, constricted, and separate states of stasis, to our authentic boundless and natural state of unobstructed beingness. This leads to the merger of pure beingness and absolute subjective experience with pure consciousness and absolute objectivity.
Chit is consciousness. It is thus one of the integral ingredients toward waking up out of slumber and forgetfulness and into our true nature, our uncontrived/unconditioned true and natural self.
Ananda is absolute bliss. Here all tension, stress, obstruction, bias, distortion perturbation, conflict, and disturbances have been let go of, surrendered, removed, and purified. Here in SATCHITANANDA the nadis are completely open and the imbalances are balanced -- harmony and synergistic synchronicity allow the shakti prana (kundalini) to maintain and uphold the body/mind and breath and this permeates one's entire being and irrigates the consciousness. Shakti and Shiva are reunited in one's own countenance. One reflects and acts as a the natural transpersonal spontaneous extension, conduit, and expression of divine presence -- of divine love and wisdom reflecting the "reality" of "ALL OUR RELATIONS". Ananda (bliss), contentment (santosha), peace (shanti), or nirvana are the goals, but rather a spontaneous result and expression -- a natural aspect of this transpersonal relationship without a separate subject/object. It thus symbolizes the Great spiritual objectless relationship/integration -- the realization of the Great Integrity where the Great Beingness and Infinite Mind are experienced as a living unity in the present as Great and Sacred Presence.
source: http://www.rainbowbody.net/HeartMind/satchitananda.htm
yep... Satchitananda.. my new favorite word.. truth of my self or being in absolute bliss...
Hope your weekend is filled with love and light