Location: Mesa (Arizona), USA
Zodiac: TaurusSHOEs: Boots
Shoe size 10
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has 11 Photos in her album.
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Nickpage Views» 259824
Member since: Nov 13 06
Last login: Jul 06 16
It is OK. You are alright. You needn't second guess anymore, Rochelle.
Everyone is safe. Nothing "bad" is going to happen. All of the promises have been kept.
And you could not possibly be more adored.
By me,
The Universe
It is OK. You are alright. You've done so very well for yourself, Rochelle.
Dear Universe,
Thank you for the inspiring words. Yeah, we did do okay for ourself and the greatest part is all those wishes and dreams man oh man they are only the tip of the Iceberg.
All glory to the Universe..
you really are amazing.