Blog :: Apr 22 10, 20:34
God is a gay man who smokes and is allergic to alcohol...
I met God, smoking outside of a church at a dance on New Years Eve. His name was Mark.
We discussed how his cell phone showed a different time but when he flipped it open, it went back to the right time. My phone did the same thing, I suggested it could be a planetary shift. One was happening over the next four days. God comes in different ways, always delivering a message. If you are listening then you get the most amazing information. I was talking with Cam, my agent, the other day. We discussed breaking lines in relationships. It seems my underlying theme in all my writing is to dispel myths we live by, and connect the dots to truth.
First I had to find my own, dissolve my own judgments, beliefs and rules. There is a spiritual path we all find sooner or later to discover who we are, and why we are here. This past year as been that for my life. Interestingly enough I found the answer through the 12 steps of Alcoholic's Anonymous. Then again later from a Japanese man who likes to grow bonsai trees. He found a book that outlined the path of salvation.
In my own spiritual awakening, I have come to understand that the program of Alcoholic's Anonymous is one of the Mastery Schools placed here to help us evolve. The program started in 1935, and the Big Book as been reprinted four times. The first 164 pages of this book has never changed in over 74 years. The steps have been adopted by over one hundred groups, spiritual organizations, and churches as a way of developing closer relationship with a higher power and becoming “God conscious.”
The same principles are outlined in the bible, Conversations With God, through the writings of Catherine Ponder, Iyanla Vanzant, Norman Vincent Peale, and Louise Hay. All of whom have endured scorn, scoffing, and out right denouncing of their personal beliefs.
God, otherwise known as Mark, was talking about the divisions in the group. Perhaps it was because we both identify as gay and we were at a function that wasn't called Gay or Lambda. I laughed when he said, “I don't think we should have Gay Meetings.” it was the first time I heard my own thoughts stated out loud.
“I understand the purpose for these meetings, based on the feeling of commonality, women, men, gay, straight, spanish speaking, black, single women, etc There exists a need to find a similarity. The truth is its backward.” I looked at him.
“Yes I understand this, I used to state that only an alcoholic and can get another alcoholic, a woman alcoholic gets another woman alcoholic, a lesbian alcoholic gets another and so on. Now though I wonder how many times we have to split before we disappear completely.” I replied.
Mark, otherwise known as God, laughed. He talked about his awakening to this understanding that there was no difference between him and straight people. He was thirty-five, his partner and him had a house in the suburbs. They had kids and went to work. “The way I realized that there is no difference was my partner, the only thing gay about this guy was he liked men. He carried himself like everyone else.” Mark, God, said. I understood completely, Renae had done the same thing. She taught me that there was no difference in families.
“I just stopped trying to be different. I stopped identifying myself as gay. I don't hide it either but I don't need to trumpet it across the street.” Mark said. My next thought came quickly, “I don't understand why we do that. What's the point?” I asked him.
“I think it's the separation by sex. You don't hear straight people introducing themselves as heterosexuals. One we realize we are gay we zone in on that only. Sex is in our identity so we continue to make it apart of who we are further driving us from each other." God said
Wow, okay so I knew about me, I was starting to see the differences between the lesbians in my community. I was hoping I guess that gay men didn't have that. I asked Mark if it were true for his community.
" We are segregated to the max! First you got racial lines; blacks, whites, chinese, mexican, and so on. Then there is leather and Ralph Lauren. Then there are burbs and streets, uptown and downtown. And you do NOT cross those lines."
Ralph Lauren? Is that the same as Gay woman and a lesbian? Okay this is ridiculous, the rainbow flag and yet we divide among each other. So here's the question, If the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexuals community can't find similarities among each other; how do we hope to gain the acceptance of the straight culture? Anybody? anybody?
Yeah, well here is some truth, we won't. There is no us and them. There is only us. Heck, me and god are one, mark and me are one, and that old guy sitting across the street right now he is me too. As are you, if that is true then why do we judge each other by money, clothes and sexual preference?
with love,
Author The Stone People
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may i suggest you write your experience in form of a comic book...short simple to the point and fun!