Blog :: Aug 13 10, 07:55

Notes from Tut, the Universe... love this :P

by rocdragon, (

You can choose to go, do, be, and have, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the "clicks" and "coincidences," and the many happy "accidents," your bounty and good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, you might choose to wait for a miracle, a savior, or divine intervention, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the missed chances and disappointments, and the many unhappy accidents, your lack and misfortune must have been your destiny.

Rochelle, do you see what the difference is?

It ain't me,
The Universe

Rochelle, destinies are a dime a dozen.
© 2010 by rocdragon,


rocdragon on Sep 09 10, 16:41

Good luck on your path Lawaai. :) 
lawaai on Sep 02 10, 22:31

it must have been my destiny to read this :) good tho :) 
rocdragon on Sep 02 10, 15:17

Lmao.... well if I hazard a guess I would think the Universe is shaking it's head and saying "Go right ahead."
you two rock :-D  
RedViolin on Aug 14 10, 22:40

very nice and so true...