Blog :: Oct 04 10, 15:30

Notes from the Universe

by rocdragon, (

Simply put,the reason there are things you want that have not yet appeared in your life, is because you're just not used to thinking of yourself with them.

Sorry, kind of wish it was more complicated.

Just keep practicing.

Happy Monday -
The Universe

It's the same for things you have, that you don't want, but in reverse.

© 2010 by rocdragon,


rocdragon on Oct 20 10, 16:33

Lmao.. I would hope that if you were beamed they would also include your clothes.. funny *shakes head* :-P  
rocdragon on Oct 05 10, 15:48

Yes and yes. :) 
Rachele on Oct 04 10, 18:48

So if I just keep thinking of me with her, it will happen ? :-D