Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done, Rochelle, because both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been.
Be the ball,
The Universe
"Hut," "hut," Rochelle, go, do.
Good Morning!, *passes coffee and scones across the table*
Moving chi, living today, and being okay with it all are amazing side effects to my life. When I opened my email and read Mike's note from the Universe, the laughter and smiling came from inside, not the outside. It never occurred to me, to get what I haven't got, I have to do what I haven't done. hmmm *scratches chin*
This may be an amazing insight to life ladies! Can you imagine, skydiving or walking on the wrong side of the street? All in the name of doing something different to get something different. o.O
I am happy to report that I did just that this weekend. Ironically without the conscious thought process of this fascinating wisdom. This weekend was the Apache Lake Round up. I picked up two girls and we headed out to camp for the weekend with about 80 of our closest friends.
In the spirit of changing and doing *chanting the mantra* "Be the ballll ohm... beeeee thee Baaaaaallllll"
Here is what I did that I have never done before:
Drove the car on the mountain
Kayaked (spelling?)
fly fished
Caught a Rock (Twice)
walked on a dock
road in a motor boat (okay I have done that once before)
roasted coconut marshmellows
won a raffle prize with great enthusiasm
pitched a tent (in the dark,is that extra points?)
yoga and jap sword on the beach of the lake at sunrise.
used exsplosives
I think I am getting the hang of doing things differently. Thank you universe, and wooohoo!!!! *closes eyes* "ohmmmmmmm Baaaallll be the ballllll"
Have a great Monday, Ladies!
Bravely towards the unknown !