Blog :: Feb 01 11, 20:28

What's been happening... *raises eyebrows*

by rocdragon, (

It is February... and the commitment to write three times a week on this blog is apparently not being upheld. Of course, you didn't know that, it was a practice I put on myself. The idea is to establish discipline and a flowing practice. I am a writer, after all and my craft is not just a sprinkling of fairy dust. All of sudden BLAM! a book is written. Though at times I wish it did flow that easily, anyway, the point is sharpening the pen comes practice in using it. Yet, it is February and I am suddenly alive in the sense my muse has awoken.

Note to self... rambling is not necessary. LOL, my friend calls it "Land the plane, dear." God I love her, a funny analogy but fairly accurate. Can you imagine a person who is constantly talking? Its like a plane circling the airport awaiting permission to land. Apparently I forget I am the pilot and have permission to land the damn plane as long as I look to make sure I don't crash ontop of the other person's sentences. :)

The newest editions to my life is a full course load at school, 12 credits to be exact. Then I decided that wasn't nearly enough to occupy my time so I signed up for honors as well. Working and creating two storylines for an interactive blog. Its no wonder I haven't written here!

This is my personal blog, btw, where I share about my experiences in life and growth in relationships. One way to comunicate with my fellow lesbians, hear feedback and of course grow. :) *thats a big cheesy grin*

Apologies all around for sticking to my commitment, and I have taken the steps to put internet in my home. Now this shoe can surf at school, work and home!! woohoo..
Life is good, I have a special friend which works for me. My surrogate son is doing what he needs to do, serving five months and intensive probation. My best friend is changing her life for just one woman, herself. *smiles* For that I am eternally grateful.
Life is one big game and I play with a master's set of tools.
See you later this week,

A la prochaine! __---- taking french too.. it means Until next time!

© 2011 by rocdragon,
