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Freedom from Fear is the ultimate form of flight.

Apr 29 10, 00:30

Emotional Sobriety Quiz

by rocdragon, (

Emotional Sobriety:

"When what I know to be true about myself and what I believe and feel are coinciding, in other words the facts match my beliefs and feelings.

example: I say that my partner is a valuable person in my life, my actions prove this true.

What people say affect me but do not determine what I believe and feel about myself.

Emotional Inebriety or unsoberness:

When what I believe and feel about myself are not consistent with the facts. Imput of others determine who I am and what I feel. Depending on others to tell me how to feel about me"

Emotional Sobriety Quiz

Answer these questions either a yes or no:

Do you accept criticism well?

Are you usually hurt or angered by criticism?

Do others think more highly of you than of you do of yourself

Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments?

Do you depend on others to feel good about yourself?

Do what people say unduly influence feelings or beliefs you have about yourself?

Do you often do a good job and know it and don’t feel good about it?

Do you often put yourself down?

Looking at your life honestly, do you treat yourself well?

Do you treat others better than you treat yourself?

Do you often feel like a loser even though you know you are good person?

Answering yes to one or more of these questions, there is a degree of emotional inebriety present.

This blog has been read 2017 times.
[Comments]Comments (2)
rocdragon on Apr 29 10, 18:08

This of course is emotional inebriety, I make the decision about who I am and not accept the critique of others. Answering yes to the "treat myself well question" is a verification process of being emoitonally sober. I see how that can be confusing ty. 
rocdragon on Apr 29 10, 18:06

The idea is to identify if you are emotionally unsober (Tom B), not analyzing the question to judge. I am sure you are aware of this. I appreciate your insights. So often I find that criticism is one of the ways I rely on another to identify who I am.  
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