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Same sex marriage.... hmm hot topic today, only because the judge ruled over the ban. And yet we are focused on it as a win, a time in the history of the LGBT community that will reverbrate in our future children and chosen families.
What strikes me is the reasons for banning it in the first place.
Seriously people actually stood up in court and said this:
Reprinted from:http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2Ecmu4/msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2010/08/04/breaking-prop-8-overturned/
Myth 1: Banning same-sex marriage protects children.
Much of the Yes on 8 campaign focused on the idea of protecting children; however, during the trial no credible evidence was presented to substantiate the assertion that same-sex marriage is harmful to kids. What did become clear is that the idea of “protecting” children played up on existing hostilities toward gay and lesbian people, implying that children should not be exposed to gays and lesbians–or even learn of their existence–because of possible moral taint or molestation.
Expert witnesses and supporting documents disproved such claims and further made the case that same-sex marriage is actually beneficial to children with gay and lesbian parents. When same-sex marriage is unavailable, these children are more likely to be subjected to belittlement by other children and may have trouble in school because of their inability to characterize their parents’ relationships as being on an equal footing with those of their peers. A coalition of family therapy groups stated unequivocally in an amicus brief: “No peer-reviewed research supports a conclusion that same-sex couples are less effective parents than heterosexual couples.”
Myth 2: Same-sex marriage harms straight marriages.
Protecting marriage was and remains a central stated goal of the opponents of marriage equality. But when asked directly by the judge in a pretrial hearing [PDF] to explain how same-sex marriage hurts heterosexual marriages, the defense attorney could only answer, “I don’t know. I don’t know.” During the trial, no empirical evidence supported this claim. In fact, in Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage has been legal since 2004, the divorce rate has gone down, not up. David Blankenhorn, a witness in defense of the ban, inadvertently put it best under cross examination: Referring to the deinstitutionalization of marriage, he said, “Heterosexuals, you know, did the deinstitutionalizing.” [PDF]
Myth 3: The Prop. 8 campaign was not about homophobia.
“Hate the sin, not the sinner” is one of the slogans of the anti-gay-marriage movement, but when you look closely at their campaign materials [PDF] it becomes hard to see that distinction. In a pro-Prop. 8 video, The ABCs of Protecting Marriage, a leading supporter claims he is working “to turn back the tides of evil.” Frequent associations are made between homosexuality and the devil. Legalizing same-sex marriage in California, according to one leader, would mean that “one by one other states would fall into Satan’s hands.” This same person claimed that the “gay lifestyle…comes with all kinds of disease.” A Chinese-language Prop. 8 flier states, “If homosexuality was a normal behavior, deadly diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and pneumonia would not exist.” Such inflammatory claims clearly promote hatred against the “sinners” as well as the sin.
Myth 4: Same-sex marriage will change an institution that has remained stable throughout the ages.
Many opponents of marriage equality refer to “God’s plan” for marriage and point to the Bible as the basis for their views. During the trial, however, expert witnesses reviewed the actual history of the institution, pointing out that women were once viewed as property within marriage and that slaves, who were not considered fully human by their owners, were denied marriage rights entirely. Advances in the status of women have led to more egalitarian marriages in which male superiority is not necessarily reinforced. The so-called “marriage defenders” would like to turn back the clock on these advances, but that doesn’t invalidate them.
So there you have it, the main points and resons to prevent same sex marriages from being legal. I do not dispute this as one side or the other I am simply a voice among thousands. Yet I offer you a simple toast, as a dot connector I find it amazing that other's do not see what is really happening here.
The world as we know it, individual, family, city, then state is a small view or picture of the whole. In actuality the world consists of everyone, EVERYONE regardless of creed, nationality, color, sex even orientation. God is making the way for us, all of us. Put in plain english, Judges look at the allegations and say "what?".
Truthfully, *looks around* you know what it is? Homosexuality is nature's answer to overpopulation, and the next evolutionary step in sexual freedom... *looks around again.* and.. *deep breath* well the only way the human race will see the potential in unifying female and male energies to become a higher conscious being.
Yeah, try telling that to Rush Limbaugh.. although as Leonitus story is told through the one eyed soldier, "They came, screaming and stabbing widly, they made a quite a mess. Brave Amateurs, they do their part."
The heterosexual's have brought the human race far into advances.. amazing though now the homosexual community will bring the rest of dinner to the table. Perhaps then we can live in harmony and peace, for how can we be brothers and sisters if we don't first call each other evil?